Tona King denied junior Jim Stack’s request to grow out his hair for Lots of Love. Stack is not accepting his denial he is now going before the school board.
Stack’s wanted to grow out his hair for kids with cancer since it’s close to his hear “his little sister was diagnosed with cancer at the age of five”. After her current doctors appointment she was declared cancer free. However she is cancer free she still wears a wig that makes her feel normal. Knowing the feeling a wig has on his sister he wants to change other kids lives.
Ready to help cancer kids Stack goes to the principal requesting to break the school dress code of no hair past collar length. She responded saying “ We have rules for a reason, and we just can’t go breaking them!”. Trying to keep the school a fair place she decided it wouldn’t be quite fair for one student to get to break the rules when the other are held accountable not to.
Trying to push this he even says “ I even agreed to tuck my hair into my collar so nobody could see it”. Though Principal King holds her ground saying it still wouldn’t be fair for all the other students.
With everybody knowing about Stack’s sister they quickly agreed with Stack about growing his hair. The student body getting involved signing a letter the student council wrote saying “ Rules are made to be broken”, along with three hundred signatures. Along with all the Signatures “150 males signed to grow out their hair” wanting to also make a difference.